We welcome you to the Pecan Springs Ranch of Ellis County. As you will learn, it is a special place; one filled with history and tradition. As sixth generation Texans, Nancy and Ted Paup both share a passion for land management, stewardship, conservation, and Texas history.
With over 35 years of extensive experience in the ranching business, Ted Paup has developed key initiatives in several ranch management areas on Pecan Springs Ranch in Ellis County, including grazing, fishing, wildlife, and historical preservation. A member of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Paup has worked closely with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the United States Department of Agriculture to develop a strategic land management and stewardship plan for the ranch. Results of this plan include implementation of a deferred cattle rotational grazing system; completion of a re-seeding program of native prairie grasses in several pastures; building of new fence lines; and installation of solar powered water pumps to cattle water tubs in selected pastures. The ranch has hosted several NRCS Field Days for area ranchers on riparian buffers.
Shawnee Trail Lake, a 15 acre lake on the ranch, was built in the 1960’s by the Soil and Water Conservation District. A fisheries biologist was employed to survey the lake and complete a below surface contour map of the lake. As a result of this survey, spawning areas were built on the lake; a fish stocking program was initiated; and installation of a boat dock and fish feeders were completed. Today the rights to fishing are currently leased on the ranch.
Working with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the ranch is currently under the Managed Lands Deer Permits Program. The hunting program includes deer, quail, turkey, and ducks. Pecan Springs Ranch retains the consultation services of a wildlife biologist. The wildlife management plan included the installation of deer blinds, deer feeders, and duck blinds throughout the ranch.

In May of 2016, the Texas A&M Forest Service awarded the Certified Forest Steward Award, under the auspices of the United States Forest Service (an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture), to the ranch for the key stewardship and ranch management efforts which have been initiated at Pecan Springs Ranch over the past several years.
Currently, Paup is working with the Noble Foundation to develop a strategic business plan model for the extensive 100 year old native pecan orchard located on the ranch. He is also consulting with the Texas A&M Extension Service and the Texas A&M Forest Service on this project.
The unwritten history of Pecan Springs Ranch consists of unnamed travelers and inhabitants who occupied the land before civilization came to the area. Native Americans and Spanish conquistadors were the earliest to roam the area long before the first Anglo settler arrived in Texas. The prairie supported a significant wildlife and buffalo population that attracted Indian hunters. Chambers Creek, a tributary of the Trinity River, offered a perfect place for an Indian encampment, providing the tribe with fresh water and fish to subsidize their diet. The sounds of cattle bellowing and drovers yelling could at one time be heard across the land as cowboys herded their cattle up the Shawnee Trail. These unwritten stories comprise part of the history of Pecan Springs.
The written history of Pecan Springs Ranch is detailed in the pages of this website including the background, Sam Houston Deed, Shawnee Trail, Texas Land Grant System, Sims Brothers, Wilson D. Sims, Campbell Ranch, and the Genealogy.
Nancy and Ted Paup have worked closely with the Ellis County Historical Commission to develop the historical research for The Shawnee Cattle Trail. The scheduled date for installation and dedication of The Shawnee Cattle Trail Texas Historical Marker is October 2016. In addition, historical research papers have been completed for The Sims Family of Ellis County.
Welcome to Pecan Springs Ranch established in 1848.